Have you ever feel complicated to choose your old besties an the new one?
It seems like all we do it just awry
Girl Say :
My two close friend and I had a huge fight. While we weren't speaking, I made new friend and became popular. My friend and I are tight again, but I still really close to my new besties. And now my old besties say I would forget them and always be popular with the new one.
Let's follow my way :
1. Just Believe Your Heart
If your heart say don't be too selfish, just don't be too much selfish. Just secrificed the bad one. All your heart say to you is for the greatest.
2. Don't Play Favorite
I'm guessing you're feeling some major pressure to choose between your two groups of friend, old and new. You might feel like it's up to me to choose my real friends. But the truth is, good buds are the one how won't make you choose. And now, just learno balance your time.
3. Save To Say
Don't talking about one group to another one behind them. It will be a big problem.Besides, gossip turns a clique toxic fast. And I'm sure you don't want that kind of friendship. If either group start talking smack, it your job to mae them straight and defend your buddies. Ugly word should have no place in a beautifull friendship, anyway.
Quotes :
" Real friend are always going to be there by your side, even at time when you tell them to leave "
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